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the ArT of Theatron As a second CHance the ArT of Theatron As a second CHance

the ArT of Theatron As a second CHance

Prison theatre is definitely not a novel notion. Many theatre and/or artistic groups have been engaged in various projects and activities, small or large-scale ones, in prisons around the globe with the purpose of engaging inmates in the process of becoming familiarised with performing arts. Nonetheless, to the best of our knowledge, a blended type of theatre instruction to detainees has never been ventured, at least as far as European prisons are concerned.

The health crisis incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in severe restrictions as to the accessibility of the outer world inside the prison walls. Even though art may sound a needless luxury, it has been substantiated by research that it positively affects the psyche and behaviour of inmates.

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The European Commission Support for the Production of this Publication does not Constitute an Endorsement of the Contents Which Reflects the Views only of the Authors, and the Commission cannot be held Responsible for Any Use Which may be made of the Information Contained Therein

the ArT of Theatron As a second CHance the ArT of Theatron As a second CHance

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